Celebrate Your Boobs!
After years in the birth industry, I have a completely different appreciation of breasts. In my adolescent years, I can’t recall anyone breastfeeding around me or even talking about it. I do think we talked a little about it in health class, but I was not exposed to them like I have been in the last decade. The only thing I knew was that they grew during puberty, and that in American culture woman covered their boobs or they were considered scandalous. My boys have been exposed to breastfeeding their whole life. They see friends and family nurse their littles, and its normal. I am so very grateful for my own breasts. I have been able to feed both my boys. I have learned so much through my own breastfeeding journeys. Shortly after we found out we were expecting our 3rd baby, my youngest (4 years old) walked in on me changing my shirt and as he pointed he asked, “so the baby will drink those?’ It was such a sweet comment for him to make - truly! Amazingly enough, he made that comment all on his own! I felt reassured that I was raising my kids with the idea that breastfeeding is a normal thing. We were exposing our boys to the idea that breasts are MORE than just ‘sex objects’! That they did in fact serve a purpose. Just last week, my oldest (7 years old) pointed to my breasts and said “hey mom, you get to use those again soon!” You’re so right buddy – I sure do! And what a mature statement he just made. I was blown away! A few years ago, I got a phone call from an acquaintance. It wasn’t a call I was expecting – and her request was something I had never had! She started the conversation by saying she figured since I did birth photography that I would be someone who would be the most comfortable with this request. She told me that she was recently diagnosed with breast cancer, and she would be undergoing a double mastectomy later in the week. Looking back on her experience with her breasts, she reminisced on the time she spend nursing her kids. How amazing her breasts were to allow her the ability to nourish and feed her babies. She wanted to remember them, and she asked me if I would document them before they were removed. I was honored, and then immediately nervous; afraid I wouldn’t do these images ant justice! Boobs are amazing, and beautiful, and powerful. I just wanted to produce images she would be proud of. I will never forget, she answered the door topless. It was the most welcome surprise! She figured she might as well rip off any ‘awkwardness’ like a Band-Aid. So in this case, there was no ‘removing of her top/bra’ and it was never uncomfortable. She introduced me to her husband, topless. She finished her makeup, topless. She straightened up the front room, topless. She laughed and showed me a breastfeeding portrait, topless. It was beyond fun celebrating her femininity and talking about her nursing relationships with her kids. She exuded confidence and it was a privilege to be there with her in that space. Getting to experience her enjoy her breasts for all they have given her - it was really quite special. With my young boys’ appreciation of my body as it grows their new brother or sister, and soon nourish a tiny human, I wanted to share in all the joy that is the female body. Whether you have or haven’t nursed, plan to or not. Whether you have enhanced your breasts or reduced them. Whether they are decorated or uneven. Whether they bounce, sag or one day cause you illness. Celebrate and love your boobs and all that they have or will give you in your lifetime.
I am beyond excited to share some of the images (approved by mom of course).